Kick Street Collective

Introducing the mobile shopping app created for Kick Street Collective, a one-stop destination for sneaker enthusiasts. My UX design project aimed to revolutionize the way customers interact with the brand and make their shopping experience seamless and enjoyable


UX/UI Designer







Kick Street Collective

Introducing the mobile shopping app created for Kick Street Collective, a one-stop destination for sneaker enthusiasts. My UX design project aimed to revolutionize the way customers interact with the brand and make their shopping experience seamless and enjoyable


UX/UI Designer







Kick Street Collective

Introducing the mobile shopping app created for Kick Street Collective, a one-stop destination for sneaker enthusiasts. My UX design project aimed to revolutionize the way customers interact with the brand and make their shopping experience seamless and enjoyable


UX/UI Designer







Kick Street Collective

Introducing the mobile shopping app created for Kick Street Collective, a one-stop destination for sneaker enthusiasts. My UX design project aimed to revolutionize the way customers interact with the brand and make their shopping experience seamless and enjoyable


UX/UI Designer









The goal of this project was to design and develop a user-friendly mobile shopping app for Kick Street Collective to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for its users.

This project was undertaken independently, resulting in the entire design process being executed solely by me. I took complete ownership of tasks ranging from user research, user flows, information architecture, wireframes, and Lo-Fi/Hi-Fi prototyping, among other essential components

The goal of this project was to design and develop a user-friendly mobile shopping app for Kick Street Collective to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for its users.

This project was undertaken independently, resulting in the entire design process being executed solely by me. I took complete ownership of tasks ranging from user research, user flows, information architecture, wireframes, and Lo-Fi/Hi-Fi prototyping, among other essential components


The goal of this project was to design and develop a user-friendly mobile shopping app for Kick Street Collective to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for its users.

This project was undertaken independently, resulting in the entire design process being executed solely by me. I took complete ownership of tasks ranging from user research, user flows, information architecture, wireframes, and Lo-Fi/Hi-Fi prototyping, among other essential components



Kick Street Collective aimed to enhance its customer experience through a mobile app. Based on user research there was a critical need to address the pain points faced by users who lack access to transportation or are physically unable to visit the store in person. This led to a gap in accessibility and convenience for a significant portion of the target audience. It was imperative to develop a solution that not only bridges this physical barrier but also delivers a seamless and satisfactory shopping experience

Kick Street Collective aimed to enhance its customer experience through a mobile app. Based on user research there was a critical need to address the pain points faced by users who lack access to transportation or are physically unable to visit the store in person. This led to a gap in accessibility and convenience for a significant portion of the target audience. It was imperative to develop a solution that not only bridges this physical barrier but also delivers a seamless and satisfactory shopping experience


Kick Street Collective aimed to enhance its customer experience through a mobile app. Based on user research there was a critical need to address the pain points faced by users who lack access to transportation or are physically unable to visit the store in person. This led to a gap in accessibility and convenience for a significant portion of the target audience. It was imperative to develop a solution that not only bridges this physical barrier but also delivers a seamless and satisfactory shopping experience



To address the challenges faced by users with limited access to transportation or physical mobility, I designed a mobile app that creates a seamless and personalized shopping experience. The app features intuitive user navigation, detailed product pages with vivid imagery, and online ordering/tracking options. The app will leverage push notifications, in-app alerts, and activity tracking to inform users of new arrivals, restocks, and promotions. I aimed for this to be an all-inclusive solution that caters to the shopping needs of users who require a better online shopping experience

To address the challenges faced by users with limited access to transportation or physical mobility, I designed a mobile app that creates a seamless and personalized shopping experience. The app features intuitive user navigation, detailed product pages with vivid imagery, and online ordering/tracking options. The app will leverage push notifications, in-app alerts, and activity tracking to inform users of new arrivals, restocks, and promotions. I aimed for this to be an all-inclusive solution that caters to the shopping needs of users who require a better online shopping experience


To address the challenges faced by users with limited access to transportation or physical mobility, I designed a mobile app that creates a seamless and personalized shopping experience. The app features intuitive user navigation, detailed product pages with vivid imagery, and online ordering/tracking options. The app will leverage push notifications, in-app alerts, and activity tracking to inform users of new arrivals, restocks, and promotions. I aimed for this to be an all-inclusive solution that caters to the shopping needs of users who require a better online shopping experience

Design Process

Design Process

Empathize, Define, & Ideate

The UX design process begins with empathizing with and understanding users to gain perspective of their needs and experiences, defining user personas to represent different user groups, and ideating to generate a wide range of creative and innovative ideas to address user needs and pain points

Design & Develop

Based on the information gathered, I designed and developed user flows, IA, wireframes, and prototypes. I ensure a logical and efficient navigation experience whilst focusing on layout and functionality. I created multiple low and high-fidelity prototypes to provide an interactive representation of the final product. These crucial steps allowed me to refine and optimize the user experience


I conducted user testing with 10 users. During these usability studies, users ages 20-55 provided feedback in which I was able to gain valuable insights into the app's strengths and weaknesses. This brought to light several areas of improvement which were addressed. By incorporating these insights into the design, user satisfaction and engagement increased

Empathize, Define, & Ideate

The UX design process begins with empathizing with and understanding users to gain perspective of their needs and experiences, defining user personas to represent different user groups, and ideating to generate a wide range of creative and innovative ideas to address user needs and pain points

Design & Develop

Based on the information gathered, I designed and developed user flows, IA, wireframes, and prototypes. I ensure a logical and efficient navigation experience whilst focusing on layout and functionality. I created multiple low and high-fidelity prototypes to provide an interactive representation of the final product. These crucial steps allowed me to refine and optimize the user experience


I conducted user testing with 10 users. During these usability studies, users ages 20-55 provided feedback in which I was able to gain valuable insights into the app's strengths and weaknesses. This brought to light several areas of improvement which were addressed. By incorporating these insights into the design, user satisfaction and engagement increased

Design Process

Empathize, Define, & Ideate

The UX design process begins with empathizing with and understanding users to gain perspective of their needs and experiences, defining user personas to represent different user groups, and ideating to generate a wide range of creative and innovative ideas to address user needs and pain points

Design & Develop

Based on the information gathered, I designed and developed user flows, IA, wireframes, and prototypes. I ensure a logical and efficient navigation experience whilst focusing on layout and functionality. I created multiple low and high-fidelity prototypes to provide an interactive representation of the final product. These crucial steps allowed me to refine and optimize the user experience


I conducted user testing with 10 users. During these usability studies, users ages 20-55 provided feedback in which I was able to gain valuable insights into the app's strengths and weaknesses. This brought to light several areas of improvement which were addressed. By incorporating these insights into the design, user satisfaction and engagement increased

Christian d.

Christian d.

Christian d.

Christian d.