
How might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income individuals?

Introducing HeavenSent, an online meal scheduling and ordering service


UX/UI Designer




9 person




How might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income individuals?

Introducing HeavenSent, an online meal scheduling and ordering service


UX/UI Designer




9 person




How might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income individuals?

Introducing HeavenSent, an online meal scheduling and ordering service


UX/UI Designer




9 person




How might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income individuals?

Introducing HeavenSent, an online meal scheduling and ordering service


UX/UI Designer




9 person





When looking at this project’s prompt, ‘Reducing Inequalities’, as a team we chose the inequality many of our peers can find themselves struggling with. When researching the issues affecting student communities, food insecurity is one of the most common inequalities on post-secondary campuses. This leads us to our main question: how might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income students?

When looking at this project’s prompt, ‘Reducing Inequalities’, as a team we chose the inequality many of our peers can find themselves struggling with. When researching the issues affecting student communities, food insecurity is one of the most common inequalities on post-secondary campuses. This leads us to our main question: how might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income students?


When looking at this project’s prompt, ‘Reducing Inequalities’, as a team we chose the inequality many of our peers can find themselves struggling with. When researching the issues affecting student communities, food insecurity is one of the most common inequalities on post-secondary campuses. This leads us to our main question: how might we reduce food insecurity among postsecondary students and make food more accessible for lower-income students?



Despite being enrolled in educational institutions, many students face challenges in accessing nutritious and affordable meals. Limited financial resources, lack of awareness about available resources, and the stigma surrounding food insecurity are some of the barriers that prevent students from fulfilling their basic needs. The HeavenSent project aims to create an app that not only provides affordable food options, and discounted meal plans with local restaurants but also offers personalized meal planning and budgeting tools to empower lower-income students in their journey towards food security

Despite being enrolled in educational institutions, many students face challenges in accessing nutritious and affordable meals. Limited financial resources, lack of awareness about available resources, and the stigma surrounding food insecurity are some of the barriers that prevent students from fulfilling their basic needs. The HeavenSent project aims to create an app that not only provides affordable food options, and discounted meal plans with local restaurants but also offers personalized meal planning and budgeting tools to empower lower-income students in their journey towards food security


Despite being enrolled in educational institutions, many students face challenges in accessing nutritious and affordable meals. Limited financial resources, lack of awareness about available resources, and the stigma surrounding food insecurity are some of the barriers that prevent students from fulfilling their basic needs. The HeavenSent project aims to create an app that not only provides affordable food options, and discounted meal plans with local restaurants but also offers personalized meal planning and budgeting tools to empower lower-income students in their journey towards food security



HeavenSent seeks to alleviate the issue of food insecurity and ensure that all postsecondary students have equal access to nourishing meals. The project involved comprehensive research to understand the specific challenges and needs faced by the target audience. By conducting user interviews and surveys, we gained insights into the barriers that hinder food accessibility. These insights drive the design process, with a focus on creating a user-friendly interface that provides affordable food options, discounted meal plans, and community-driven initiatives. The app will also incorporate features such as personalized meal plans for dietary restrictions and discounted prices for eligible students

HeavenSent seeks to alleviate the issue of food insecurity and ensure that all postsecondary students have equal access to nourishing meals. The project involved comprehensive research to understand the specific challenges and needs faced by the target audience. By conducting user interviews and surveys, we gained insights into the barriers that hinder food accessibility. These insights drive the design process, with a focus on creating a user-friendly interface that provides affordable food options, discounted meal plans, and community-driven initiatives. The app will also incorporate features such as personalized meal plans for dietary restrictions and discounted prices for eligible students


HeavenSent seeks to alleviate the issue of food insecurity and ensure that all postsecondary students have equal access to nourishing meals. The project involved comprehensive research to understand the specific challenges and needs faced by the target audience. By conducting user interviews and surveys, we gained insights into the barriers that hinder food accessibility. These insights drive the design process, with a focus on creating a user-friendly interface that provides affordable food options, discounted meal plans, and community-driven initiatives. The app will also incorporate features such as personalized meal plans for dietary restrictions and discounted prices for eligible students

Design Process

Design Process

Research, Define, & Discover

Our initial research begins with a competitor analysis. This involved researching and evaluating other organizations and programs that provide food assistance to individuals and communities in need. This analysis includes assessing the range of services offered. We were able to bridge the gaps and address our users' needs and pain points. We implemented our discoveries and tailored our services to better meet the evolving needs of our target audience

Logo & Design

To achieve a modern academic aesthetic for our university student application, we chose the Raleway font with its clean, sans-serif style and lining numerals. This gave our app a fresh and contemporary look. Additionally, we utilized the Inter font as a secondary choice to enhance readability and ensure app saliency. For our logo, we incorporated three elements that symbolize our brand identity. The angle wing shape represents the first part of our brand name, while the "S" shape within the wing represents "Sent," the second part of our brand name. The rounded diagonal layout symbolizes the steam from warm meals being delivered to students, aligning with our mission

Design System

Our application's colour scheme reflects the values of innovation and discovery associated with universities. Purple, the main colour, represents wisdom and nobility, while orange complements it, conveying freshness and warmth relevant to the displayed cooked meals and grocery items. White represents cleanliness and efficiency, emphasizing ease of use.

Our design system incorporates elements from credible systems like Coder House, Google's Material Design, and Uber's Base Design. Typography was tailored to accommodate multiple screen sizes, and our main colours are centralized in a library. Bottom navigation tabs utilize filled icons highlighted by our main colour. Call-to-action buttons are predominantly purple, reinforcing branding, while black adds seriousness. Bright colours like green, red, and yellow indicate success, errors, and links for user attention.

Buttons and input fields have a roundness of 12px and are in grayscale for improved saliency and readability. Reusable components include grocery items and food cards, as well as pill-shaped buttons for filters and the shopping cart

Research, Define, & Discover

Our initial research begins with a competitor analysis. This involved researching and evaluating other organizations and programs that provide food assistance to individuals and communities in need. This analysis includes assessing the range of services offered. We were able to bridge the gaps and address our users' needs and pain points. We implemented our discoveries and tailored our services to better meet the evolving needs of our target audience

Logo & Design

To achieve a modern academic aesthetic for our university student application, we chose the Raleway font with its clean, sans-serif style and lining numerals. This gave our app a fresh and contemporary look. Additionally, we utilized the Inter font as a secondary choice to enhance readability and ensure app saliency. For our logo, we incorporated three elements that symbolize our brand identity. The angle wing shape represents the first part of our brand name, while the "S" shape within the wing represents "Sent," the second part of our brand name. The rounded diagonal layout symbolizes the steam from warm meals being delivered to students, aligning with our mission

Design System

Our application's colour scheme reflects the values of innovation and discovery associated with universities. Purple, the main colour, represents wisdom and nobility, while orange complements it, conveying freshness and warmth relevant to the displayed cooked meals and grocery items. White represents cleanliness and efficiency, emphasizing ease of use.

Our design system incorporates elements from credible systems like Coder House, Google's Material Design, and Uber's Base Design. Typography was tailored to accommodate multiple screen sizes, and our main colours are centralized in a library. Bottom navigation tabs utilize filled icons highlighted by our main colour. Call-to-action buttons are predominantly purple, reinforcing branding, while black adds seriousness. Bright colours like green, red, and yellow indicate success, errors, and links for user attention.

Buttons and input fields have a roundness of 12px and are in grayscale for improved saliency and readability. Reusable components include grocery items and food cards, as well as pill-shaped buttons for filters and the shopping cart

Design Process

Research, Define, & Discover

Our initial research begins with a competitor analysis. This involved researching and evaluating other organizations and programs that provide food assistance to individuals and communities in need. This analysis includes assessing the range of services offered. We were able to bridge the gaps and address our users' needs and pain points. We implemented our discoveries and tailored our services to better meet the evolving needs of our target audience

Logo & Design

To achieve a modern academic aesthetic for our university student application, we chose the Raleway font with its clean, sans-serif style and lining numerals. This gave our app a fresh and contemporary look. Additionally, we utilized the Inter font as a secondary choice to enhance readability and ensure app saliency. For our logo, we incorporated three elements that symbolize our brand identity. The angle wing shape represents the first part of our brand name, while the "S" shape within the wing represents "Sent," the second part of our brand name. The rounded diagonal layout symbolizes the steam from warm meals being delivered to students, aligning with our mission

Design System

Our application's colour scheme reflects the values of innovation and discovery associated with universities. Purple, the main colour, represents wisdom and nobility, while orange complements it, conveying freshness and warmth relevant to the displayed cooked meals and grocery items. White represents cleanliness and efficiency, emphasizing ease of use.

Our design system incorporates elements from credible systems like Coder House, Google's Material Design, and Uber's Base Design. Typography was tailored to accommodate multiple screen sizes, and our main colours are centralized in a library. Bottom navigation tabs utilize filled icons highlighted by our main colour. Call-to-action buttons are predominantly purple, reinforcing branding, while black adds seriousness. Bright colours like green, red, and yellow indicate success, errors, and links for user attention.

Buttons and input fields have a roundness of 12px and are in grayscale for improved saliency and readability. Reusable components include grocery items and food cards, as well as pill-shaped buttons for filters and the shopping cart

Concept & Development

Concept & Development

Concept & Development

Christian d.

Christian d.

Christian d.

Christian d.